Outlaw :- Threads like this have been done before,....No one ever comes up with " Solid proof of Gods Existence" ....Ever.
The Rebel :- Agreed, but they do give some people an opportunity to make a fool of themselves. :-)
The Rebel.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Outlaw :- Threads like this have been done before,....No one ever comes up with " Solid proof of Gods Existence" ....Ever.
The Rebel :- Agreed, but they do give some people an opportunity to make a fool of themselves. :-)
The Rebel.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Punk ( Q) "Okay.This thread has been way too long for me to keep up with. So does God exist yet?
The Rebel (A) Yes, No, Yes..ect, ect, anyway that's my understanding of the thread so far, but I have my popcorn out as I look forward to reading the next post.
The Rebel.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Stick your oar in Slim, but please, please, please don't start rowing....and if you don't start rowing their is a God and we have " proof of Gods existence" :-)
The Rebel.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Qcmbr (Q)" is it possible to make some stand out points from the History of Cathalisiam? I won't be reading it I am afraid even if it is a worthy endeavour.
The Rebel (A) Sorry " Qcmbr" I was joking, but if I had Belottis 47 volumes of "History of Cathalisim" ( which I don't because they don't exist) they would remain on my bookshelf unread, as I hope I have better things to do with my time :-)
The Rebel.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Well the O.P was always going to create an explosive thread. Yet it's basically a matter of FAITH & BELIEF, for those who believe in God, no proof/ explanation is necessary. For those that don't believe in God, no proof/explanation is not a satisfactory answer. However maybe the trick is not to take things so seriously and try to get along?
The Rebel.
p.s if anyone is really interested in "proof of Gods existence" may I reccomend you read Belottis, 47 volumes of " History of Catholicism" It not cheap but if you are down to your last £547.17pence, buy it , you won't regret it.
not deserving of a half star, march 5, 2016bythomas carrthis review is from: millions now living (kindle edition)slander of others religions is worse than trump.
instead of being ignorant read the bible and get the answers.
you are not worshiping people you should weork towards woirshiping god.
Having my book " How do you measure up as a lover" ridiculed on Amazon, I can fully understand the disappointment of bad reviews. On chapter one of my book " How do you measure up as a lover" I asked this important question.
When you go out on that so important first date with a girl what do you look at first?
1. Her Eyes
2. Her Hair
3. Her Teeth
4. Her Husband
I followed this up with other challenging questions i.e. Chapter 80 which asked, " When you meet a girl on a first date do you give her:
2. Chocolates
3 . One
Now I thought these thought provoking and helpful questions, would get good reviews,
Other chapters asked these challenging questions " Do you believe in holding hands before marriage" and " Do you know where deodorant comes from? So I had hoped I would have got me on the best seller list. Sadly to recite one of my Amazon negative reviews " I put it to you that you are a virgin, and nothing more than a disgusting evil-minded creep" Well the review may be true, but if anybody wants a personal signed copy of my book " How do you measure up as a lover?" it's yours absolutely free, because I have 10,000 of them taking space in the garage.
The Rebel :-)
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Thank you for the reply Cofty.
Cofty : (A) "We could but would it not be easier just to dispense with the word God?
The Rebel: (A) " We could but doesn't that then avoid answering the question?
Cofty: ( A) you would have to say a lot more to define " all persuasive wisdom" and " indestructible nature of reality and life"
"Both these phrases seem to luck substance "
The Rebel ( A) I would define " all persuasive wisdom" as wisdom that cannot exist without facts. Now to my understanding a fact is something that exists or has happened, so we are no further forward, because if God exists that is a fact, even if it can't be proven.
Personally I won't deny the existence of God, because this debate has been going on for centuries without proof either way, instead I would rather focus my attention on myself, and to understand how I can make a positive impact on my neighborhood.
The Rebel
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Thank you for quoting me Outlaw, but not to derail the Cofty, Outlaw despute, I did feel my question on my last post about " proof of Gods existence" warranted a reply....if I do get a reply to my question I feel it's more on topic.
Its a shame that sincere questions get lost in the shuffle of a thread, but then again I may have assumed my question was an important question, now what was my question again, as I've forgotten?
Oh Yes, I remember " Could I therefore assume that if we all define God as all persuasive and existing wisdom, that God is the indestructible nature of reality and life, then could we not agree there is scope for accepting God?
Ok my question may be stupid, in fact it probably is stupid, but nevertheless I feel it's a valid question, based on my early studies of trying to find an answer to the O.P " proof of Gods existence" from a Buddhist perspective.
The Rebel:- who would be the envy of all his friends if he could proove God either exists or doesn't exist :-)
its the begining of the end for jws in exjw websites i have found all these branch headquaters have closed down.
Pepperheart (Q) " is this the beginning or the end for jws in ex -jw websites.....?"
The Rebel (A) According to the bible, " in the beginning God created the light out of the darkness" This is the only bible passage I respect, and I have concluded the "darkness" is the false thinking of people, and therefore doesn't exist. But we are all guilty of trusting in the " darkness". So in my opinion the "darkness" of humun thinking will always exist, and even the J.W organization will never be able to close this light down. But the J.W darkness will always exist.
As i said in my opinion the " darkness" is the false thinking of people, but for clarification I would add I believe as individuals we are never free from re-evaluating our thinking, and progressing to our presumed light..
The Rebel.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Firstly I was aware of Cofty and Outlaws differences of opinion on past threads, so I gave Outlaw a thumbs up for what I presumed was his compliment to Coftys critical thinking skills.
Anyway back on topic, ultimately I think we must accept that each individual has their own understanding or experience of what constitutes " God" or " Proof of God's existence" Could i therefore assume that if we all define God as all persuasive and existing wisdom that is the indestructible nature of reality and all life, then could we not agree there is the scope for accepting God?
That is the best answer I can come up with for proof of Gods existence, and I am sure iam guilty of having made libellous statements that will be pointed out to me from both sides.
Finally I would like to remind everyone in this court room, that we are all ex-witnesses and guilty of having once had the " truth". Therefore personally I feel I cannot pass sentence on any posters sincere point of view, but I would add I have found some of the comments, shall I politely say sensational.:-)
The Rebel